Locate - Show The Way


Creating easy-to-use canvas for your needs!


Our offering is customizable webpage that has interactive fields and that can be modified and updated with realtime responce. All data is stored in realtime database and the updates and changes to the site are instant and efficient. 

Find what you are looking for

Did you know that there are more than 250 000 web pages generated every day! Todays world information and location can be harder to find since it keeps on coming and coming. The best service is something that the customer will find and that can be seen. 

Simple webpage

The page can be shown with almost anything that can run web browser and javascript. The data is fetched from the server and an all updates to information are instant. There is no limit on how many devices shows the data.  

Use cases

Staircase info screen, presentation list, meeting rooms, barbershop price list, store open-times, lunch menu, etc. There are so many things that can be listed with locate service that we can't even imagine. Join us and let the customers see fresh information!